Why do Wisdom Teeth Need to be Extracted?

Wisdom teeth may present a problem for a variety of reasons. When they interfere with oral health or cause certain issues, your dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, may have to extract them. There are multiple reasons why this procedure may be needed.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last permanent adult teeth to come in. There are four of them, and they are located at the very back of the teeth, behind the last molars. In fact, wisdom teeth are often referred to as third molars. It’s believed that wisdom teeth are left over from ancient times when the human jaw was larger. However, in this day and age, human jaws are much smaller, and for this reason and others, wisdom teeth are sometimes problematic.

Common Reasons Why Wisdom Teeth Need to be Extracted

The ADA reports that there are many reasons why wisdom teeth should be extracted, including:

  • Interference with planned orthodontic treatment, such as when braces are going to be used to correct alignment issues
  • Pain or discomfort from the existence of wisdom teeth
  • Wisdom teeth causing TMJ
  • Oral infection
  • Nearby teeth are being damaged or pushed out of alignment
  • Wisdom teeth are coming in crooked or at awkward angle
  • Wisdom teeth are impacted
  • Patient has gum disease
  • Patient has excessive tooth decay
  • There is a risk of development, or existence of tumor or cyst

What Happens With Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

The procedure for the extraction of wisdom teeth depends upon whether the wisdom teeth have or have not yet come in. If they haven’t yet erupted, then there is a surgical procedure, and the patient must be anesthetized. If the wisdom teeth have already come in, the procedure is just like any other tooth extraction, where a local anesthetic is used.

If you need a wisdom tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ, your dentist will tell you exactly how they will proceed. In the meantime, to book an appointment, please contact us.

What to Expect with Wisdom Tooth Extraction  

Whether a person has just one or all four wisdom teeth come through between 17 and 25 years old, many will need to schedule wisdom teeth extraction surgery in Scottsdale, AZ. Since erupted wisdom teeth don’t cause issues for everyone, Dr. Waldman or Dr. Augustine takes several individual factors into account when determining whether to remove them.

Is There Enough Space for Your Wisdom Teeth?

The biggest factor for either of the dentists at Waldman Dental Group is whether you or your child has enough room at the back of each jaw for the wisdom teeth to grow in and not be a hindrance. Although you don’t need them for chewing or any other function, wisdom teeth can remain if they don’t cause any of the following problems:

  • Bone loss
  • Crowding or shifting of teeth
  • Negatively affects the health of neighboring teeth
  • Ongoing infections
  • Ongoing tooth pain
  • Periodontal disease
  • Severe pain
  • Tumors or cysts develop around the erupted wisdom teeth

Dr. Waldman or Dr. Augustine uses panoramic X-ray equipment to spot wisdom teeth while still under the gums so they can estimate when the teeth will attempt to erupt. Knowing the correct position of wisdom teeth under the gums also helps our dentists foresee and treat specific dental problems.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Under General Anesthesia

Most patients require general anesthesia when having one or more wisdom teeth extracted. The medication puts you into a deep sleep during the procedure so you don’t feel any discomfort. Your dentist will place sutures on your gumline after removing your wisdom teeth. You will receive complete discharge instructions, including how to manage pain at home and what situations warrant coming back to our practice.

Please schedule a consultation for wisdom tooth extraction with our experienced dental practice in Scottsdale, AZ today.