What Should I Eat After an Extraction?

After a tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ, you’re going to need some time to heal. To avoid any unnecessary pain, stocking up on all the right foods can make it easier for your mouth to heal. It’s important to know that this is more than just discomfort or sensitivity, though. You may be more vulnerable to infection thanks to your inability to sterilize your mouth as normal, so you’ll need to keep a sharp watch on your diet.

What You Should Eat

Directly after the procedure, you can give yourself an hour or two before you ingest anything. From there, you can eat eggs, pasta, pudding, yogurt, and soups. Everything that you have should be as liquid as possible — that means puréed soups, well-cooked macaroni, and yogurt without chunks of fruit. Whether you have jello or a milkshake for dessert, you should avoid any resistance in the first few days.

After three days, you should monitor how you feel. Some people will be ready to chicken or ground beef. Others will want to stick with the same foods that they were eating before. If you don’t feel any type of pain while you’re eating, it’s probably time to try chunkier soups, steamed veggies, or chocolate cake.

Dentists in Scottsdale, AZ

There is no perfect timeline when it comes to tooth extraction, as everyone will recover at their own pace. The general rule is that as long as the pain is getting better and not worse every day, you should be fine. If you have any questions at all about what to eat or what’s normal, it’s important to work with a dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, who can answer you. At Waldman Dental Group, our staff can help set you up for success.